This site is basically targeting all of you book lovers out there who may be in the process of looking for a great book to read! I have a lot of things to say, so sit back and enjoy a quick peek inside some amazing works of art. This site is also for authors. if you would like to have your book considered for review, please email me at <3 Ashley

Monday, December 1, 2008


Hey folks! Usually I just post reviews and such on this site, but I'm really excited to share with you some information about a friend of mine. Susan Helene Gottfried, author of Trevors's Song, has just come out with a demo tape to the band in her book, the ShapeShifters.

Here is a little blip about it!

ShapeShifter : The Demo Tapes -- Year 1
A band's demo tape is intended to introduce listeners to their music. Likewise, this collection of short pieces allows readers into the fictional world of Trevor Wolff and his band, ShapeShifter.
Originally published online between April 2006 and March 2007, The Demo Tapes -- Year 1 brings together the moments that parallel -- but never encounter -- Susan Helene Gottfried's debut novel, Trevor's Song. Arranged chronologically and with introductions to each, this is a must-have volume for anyone who's ever wanted to hang with a rock band.

Here is the link to her page to check out more about, and for purchasing information!

For those of you not familiar with her book, Trevor's Song, here is the link for you to go and check it out!!

Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to check out those links! You won't be disappointed! This lady has some mad writing skills and you owe it to yourself to see if Trevor's Song and the demo tape is something for you!

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